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Mar 1, 2010

WordPress database error: [Can’t open file: ‘wp_comments.MYI’. (errno: 145)]

I'm not remember when i got this error message on my wordpress:

WordPress database error: [Can’t open file: ‘wp_comments.MYI’. (errno: 145)]

It’s not the first time. And i suppose it just because there were a lot of spam comments in my blog.

a few hour ago I solved quickly searching on google what the “errno: 145″ is. I found it is a database corruption problem. So, this is the solution:

At first, i try to connect SSH with OpenSSH or Putty application. But in my case, i use PUTTY to connect SSH. I sign in with my user and password.

Then in SSH shell i type like this:

$ mysql -u user_name -h host_name -p database_name

Obviously u have to change user_name host_name and database_name with your own.

Then, u need to repair the table wp-cooments, with this command:

mysql> repair table wp_comments;

U can open your blog, and see the result... I hope it works! Good Luck.